The 5 stages of love : how to build a lasting relationship
Last Update : October 25, 2016

Being in love and being loved is a fantasy that fills the daily life of a vast majority.
With age, couples start to become more and more present among friends, at work and actually almost everywhere you go.
Nowadays, online dating sites have been a wonderful ally to those singles that decided to jump into the adventure of finding love. Through the dating site’s interesting tools, finding the ideal partner becomes part of statistics games in which singles know how to use the tools at their benefits, perseverance tends to be rewarded : romantic dates are at everybody’s reach.
Psychology and love
However, the romantic adventure doesn’t finish once you have found your ideal partner. Romance does actually go beyond what romantic movies have pictured : building a meaningful and lasting relationship based on trust and reciprocal love is indeed one of the most challenging adventures in the romantic arena.
The psychologist Jed Diamond published his study after 40 years of research in which he stated that the majority of people do actually find their true love. However, this doesn’y usually mean that they « lived happily ever after », on the contrary, the real challenge in love is to be able to consciously pass through the 5 stages of love.
According to Diamond, most of the relationships fail to go further than the 3rd stage… with the aim of helping you welcome love with open arms, we recommend you to take into consideration these 5 stages of love to build a strong and long-term healthy relationship.
1# Falling in love
Who hasn’t lived (or heard of) this wonderful feeling ? Falling in love is one of the most intense moments in life. Wishes meet expectations, the mind becomes foggy and kneels to the heartbeats and most importantly that special someone becomes the ideal partner. The power of love is at its highest peak.
2# Building a relationship
After the excitement of being in love, the mind starts to become more and more focused resulting in a stronger romantic bond, a deeper knowledge of each other and a more powerful feeling of union. Bonds get tighter and your partner becomes an essential part of your daily life. You start to build the foundation of your relationship.
3# Disillusionment
This is the dreaded phase that causes most breakups : when reality hits hard. The dreaming sensation of being love starts to get blurred with time and your lover starts to irritate you more and more. His/ her annoying parts seem to increase while your passion seem to decrease… The habits and the routine start to take over everything and the magical sensation of being with each other seems to fade away. Questions start to arise : is it the relationship is want ? Is it the life I was expecting ? Should I look for something better ?
4 # Creating a strong long-term relationship based on true love
For those adventurers that fought for their love story with all their forces against all odds, the fourth stage brings them the promised land : a space and a time in which the magic of love meets reality. And reality after having showed its ugliest face opens the door to what we really have in front of us : true love. A love that far from being perfect, has its ups and downs, but is on top of everything a steady love, a strong one, a hand-made love. A tailor-made love story.
5# The power of two to face the daily life
This last stage could be considered as the terrenal paradise. Two fighters that have overcome the monsters of love and have reached together the oasis of romance. Two people that are more united after their adventures : a couple that has learn how to accept each other, how to love each other, how to get to know each other and how to adapt to each other.
The power of two is the real magic of love. It is the fact of being able of taking reality by the horns and together, redirect it towards your desired direction.
The soul-mate doesn’t show up but is rather built : with fights, determination, care, love and constancy.