Top 5 Places to meet Singles [The Cheat Sheet]
Last Update : June 12, 2018 by Lauren

Single people tend to have the same complaint: it is hard to meet other single people.
But is it really hard?
With the boom of apps and sites to interact and meet new friends, people are more connected than ever. But is that a good thing? Does it make it easy for singles to meet potential partners? Or does it become more complicated…the more people you can reach, the more possibilities expand but the harder it also becomes to choose and meet someone special.
However, let’s face it. Being single is nothing new. People throughout centuries have been looking for love and looking for a partner.
The difference is that before social circles were very limited so people used to get romantically involve with people in their social circle. But the concept of love and romantic expectations have also evolved. Nowadays we want more than a relationship “until death do us part”, in order to have a socially accepted role in society and start creating a family.
How to meet Singles in 2017
It’s time to take matters into your own hands!
You’re single, perhaps you’ve just become single very recently and you’re ready to date again, or perhaps you’ve been single for a while now, and you’d like to spice up your romantic life a bit.
Right. Time to be proactive.
In this cheat sheet, we’ve summed up the top 5 places to meet singles: they might seem obvious but they’re the key to a successful strategy.
A strategy, indeed, like everything in life, if you’re just waiting for things to happen, it might actually never happens.
The same happens with love. If you’re one of the thousands of hopeless romantic people that have watched too many romantic films in which love just knocks at your door…well my friend, it’s time to do a reality check.
If you want to meet other single people it’s time to do an action plan!
Action Plan: Finding a Match!
Get a pencil and a paper and start planning!
Before starting however you have to make sure that you are in the right mindset. You’ve got to be positive, welcoming, opening to new discoveries and most importantly, you’ve got to feel confident.
It is easier said than done, we agree, but it is an essential part of the success of this action plan.
Confidence is one of the most attractive traits of a person. It doesn’t matter if the person is shy or outgoing, there are many different types of confidence, and my friend, if you want to attract, you have to be confident that you’re worth it.
Confidence is a tricky matter, however. It is like a vicious circle. Lack of confidence makes us feel bad, it makes us feel like things that seem to be easily reachable to other people become impossible for us, and, sadly, the more we fall into a lack of confidence, the harder things seem to be.
So what’s the real history behind confidence?
It might sound a bit shocking to some people… but people that lack confidence tend to fall quite often into victimism.
And there’s only one way of stopping it: stop feeling like you are the victim and take action!
The best part?
Once you become totally in control of your actions, once you put an aim and you take actions towards it, confidence will naturally boost your mood.
To sum up: action plan + confidence = an open mind to attract and meet singles.
So coming back to that action plan…
How can you actually do an action plan to meet singles?
Well, it’s pretty easy: we recommend you to use the top 5 best places we’ve mentioned in our Dating infographic in order to maximize your chances of success!
[Step by Step] How to start Dating again
That’s right, forget romantic stereotypes. They’re quite outdated by now. Forget pick-up lines, flowers and be yourself.
At the end of the day, if you’re not yourself your partner will find out sooner or later. So what’s really the point of pretending?
Dating Action Plan, how can you actually use it?
There we go:
#Step 1: Sign up to a dating site.
Like it or not, nowadays happen on the web. It makes sense, it’s so much easier to meet people, chat, find matches according to your profiles… there are so many different dating sites to choose from depending on what you’re actually looking for, that it would be a shame of missing the opportunity!
If you’re open to the day (and we do recommend you to be), it’s good for you that reviewing, testing and ranking dating sites is actually our expertise! So take a look, give it a chance, and discover a new experience. If you have any doubt, we are here to help you through the process of how to register to a dating site!
#Step 2: Mutual Friends
Indeed, your friend’s friend, or even your friend’s friend…possibilities are wide here. Have you ever heard the theory of the Six Degree of separation?
Basically, this theory supports the idea that people (everybody in this world) are connected by six or fewer steps from each other. So, if you follow this step, you’re basically of a maximum of 6 steps away from meeting your potential partner. Interesting isn’t?
Worth giving it a try!
#Step 3: At Happy hour, at the coffee shop and at the gym
Find places in which people socialize.
The key here is to share something in common: whether is a beer, a coffee, or exhaustion at the gym, these three places create great environments to meet people, chat and get to know each other.
There are many tips on how to approach somebody in these places, like these Dating Expert’s tips, however, we recommend you to be natural. Don’t overthink it too much!
And ladies! We are in the modern dating era! So don’t wait for them to approach you!
The benefits of being Single
Being single has really been stigmatized in our societies. Both men and women had always been under pressure to find a partner in order to feel somehow accomplished.
But society changes and adapts to modern times, and nowadays although that social pressure is still latent, many singles have started to claim their single status and its benefits.
Being single involves a certain freedom. The freedom to choose, the freedom to experience different types of romances…
Flirting is a great experience indeed. An experience that long-term couple tend to lose. That’s why you should embrace being single!
You have a whole world in front of you to explore.
It is also very important in love to learn to know oneself before trying to share your life with somebody else. In that sense, being single is a very important step, a very important experience to have before even considering trying to find a healthy long-term relationship.
So if you’re single and you would like to meet other singles, stop complaining and start meeting!
You’ve got all the tools at your reach!