How to plan the perfect first date?
Last Update : November 5, 2018 by Thaïs
A first date can be magical if there is chemistry, and complicity, but a small detail can change everything, and turn your first encounter into a dating disaster. Preparation is a must if you want to master your first date, and have a real chance to initiate a new love story! Every dater has his/her own pre-date rituals, but some steps are necessary to be taken in order to nail the first meet-up.

Select a fun activity that allows you to really meet, and connect with your date
Plenty of singles love conventional dates, the ones where you end up going to the movies or having a pleasant conversation over a coffee.
However, very often thinking out of the box, and planning a less predictable date can really mark the difference.
You may get to know your date if you go to a quiet place like a restaurant or coffee place, but you will have less chances to fully discover how he/she is if you spend the evening in a movie theatre.
The best is to agree in advance to get involved in an activity that you both enjoy, that gives you the opportunity to find out more about each other, and that requires you to be somehow active, so you do not even have to deal with those uncomfortable first-date silences that often occur.
A tour around your city can be a great first-date option. You can act like tourists, and try to discover some secret spots, while getting to know each other a little bit better.
An activity involving some adventure like cycling around a rural area or a boat trip can be a fantastic plan too!
In such case, if things do not go as planned: there is no emotional connection, physical attraction or the conversation is not even interesting, you will at least have spent a date doing an activity that you like.
Keep some expectations, but do not let the pressure consume you!
Having a positive attitude when getting ready for your first date is core.
It is almost impossible to avoid that tingling feeling when you fantasize with the encounter or feeling the illusion of meeting someone special, but not many people fall in love at first sight, so the best is to keep your expectations realistic.
Everything, and anything can happen on a first date, but you will need some time to find out if he/she is the right one.
Going out on your date being a bundle of nerves thinking that you are going find Prince Charming/Miss Perfect will not help because later, even a small detail can let you down.
Instead think about the idea that you are going to meet someone interesting, and have an enjoyable date.
This is also something to consider for when you choose what to wear.
Knowing where your date is going to take can ease the decision of selecting which outfit to dress, but you do not know if you are going to feel so comfortable with each other that you perhaps decide to extend your encounter.
The easiest solution here is to dress in a semi-formal/slightly casual, and nice outfit. Overdressing will make you look a bit pretentious, and if you dress extremely casual you could be sending the message that you did not care much about the date.
Simply go for that simple combination that makes you look charming, somehow stunning, and that fits on any relaxed social occasion.
It is time to feel confident, and think about great conversation topics to bring up during your date!
Once you are groomed, and dressed to kill, all you have left to do before leaving your place is to convince yourself to acquire a positive, and confident attitude.
You can also think about a few conversation topics to bring up during your encounter considering the information you know in advance about your date: his/her interests, activities he/she does…
In that way, you will have something up your sleeve to break the ice, and it will also be useful to create an instant connection with your date!
All in all, the main goal is to leave your home feeling confident that your next first date will be very entertaining, and, with luck, the perfect one too!
*Photo by Kues | ShutterStock.