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Dating in Los Angeles

Dating in Los Angeles

LA can be a very romantic city if you know how to make the most of it. A pretty place that has lots to offer : beach, mountain, cinema, activities, parties… Whether you are looking for an intimate place or a dynamic bar, you’ll find a great spot for every[...]
Coconut tofu keema with cayenne pepper

Coconut tofu keema with cayenne pepper

Check out all our Dating recipes! Cayenne pepper, the ultimate aphrodisiac spicy You won’t need much to enjoy the benefits of cayenne pepper. This little although powerful spice knows how to heat up your body in just a second! Cayenne peppers are known for the capacity to stimulate your metabolism[...]
#Video – Dating myth or reality? – Office affairs

#Video – Dating myth or reality? – Office affairs

Getting romantically involved with a co-worker has always been a recurrent fantasy for many people. The rush of getting caught, the emotion of having a temporary secret love story and breaking the rules… But, do really singles risk their job position to enjoy a secret love story at the office?[...]
Modern dating – The era of feminist romance

Modern dating – The era of feminist romance

Have romance stereotypes changed over the years? Do modern singles look for equality in dating? The resurgence of the feminist movement has transformed the way singles currently date, and fall in love. Nowadays, more than ever women are in charge of their love life! In our monthly dating infographic, we[...]
What are the most appealing dating profile photos?

What are the most appealing dating profile photos?

Beauty always lies in the eyes of the beholder. However, for unknown reasons, some profiles are more attractive than others. A recent research by eHarmony revealed that Millennial singles are not as obsessed with physical attraction when it comes to dating as previous generations. But appearance has always been, and[...]
Curried carrots, sweet potatoes and ginger soup

Curried carrots, sweet potatoes and ginger soup

Discover all our Dating recipes! Sweet potatoes a great flavour for a romantic meal The aphrodisiac properties of sweet potatoes might not seem obvious at first, but if you actually start to read about this healthy food you’ll start to realize that sweet potatoes are actually very very healthy for[...]
#4-How To… Complete your Dating Questionnaire

#4-How To… Complete your Dating Questionnaire

Dating questionnaire are a very important part of your online dating adventure! Not all the dating sites have dating questionnaire, however if you do choose one that will ask you to complete it, make sure you know how to make the most of dating questionnaires! In this video we will[...]
Dating as Ellen Page

Dating as Ellen Page

Ellen Page became famous after she starred as Juno, a role for which she received several nominations. Young and pretty, Ellen Page started to attract the attention of the media for her relax outlook at life…however her romantic life was a mystery until very recently. Do you know how does[...]
Improve the love chemistry in your relationship

Improve the love chemistry in your relationship

Love has been incredibly idealized in our society. You are meant to find your soul mate, young, pretty, beautiful, clever, fun, capable, etc. The list goes actually on and on… And then you’re meant to have a great romantic story in which both of you feel love at the same[...]