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You just need 4 minutes to fall in love

You just need 4 minutes to fall in love

A couple of decades have passed since Arthur Aron, psychology professor at the University of New York, developed his experiment to boost the spark of love in about only 4 minutes. The experiment consisted in 36 questions that two people would have to ask and answer to each other. This[...]
Are you conflict avoidant ?

Are you conflict avoidant ?

Conflict avoidance is usually related to intimacy killer. If you think that avoiding conflicts might be better for the health of your relationship, you might be wrong. It has been shown that people that tend to avoid conflict in a relationship are actually widening the gap in their intimacy. Indeed, intimacy[...]
Flirting for fun or with intent

Flirting for fun or with intent

The eternal question in the flirting world : how to know if someone is flirting for real or just teasing ? Flirting is fun, is a great activity to do that usually boosts your self-confidence and makes you feel more powerful, however if you end up taking that flirting for[...]
The Social Science behind flirting

The Social Science behind flirting

Flirting has become an inherent social action for human beings. But have you ever wondered why do we flirt ? Is it a basic need or a social interaction ? According to several anthropological studies, flirting has been found all around the world, in different historical times and different cultures.[...]
EliteSingles and the city : the dating scene in New York

EliteSingles and the city : the dating scene in New York

New York has been portrayed in movies, pictures, books… a frantic city in which there’s always something going on ! Although New York is also a complicated city in which, according to Carrie Bradshaw « Men in their forties are like the New York Times Sunday crossword puzzle : tricky,[...]
Women : The revolution of singles in the States

Women : The revolution of singles in the States

According to the Washington Post, in 2015, over a quarter of American households had at least a single person in comparison with 1940 with only 7% of singles. New terms are starting to be introduced such as « single at heart » or « singlism » that show the rise[...]
Online Dating etiquette ?

Online Dating etiquette ?

There are lots of advices all over the web on how to flirt not to flirt what to say on online dating websites, how to choose the best dating websites…. Some on them are more reliable than others, some work better than others ! The online dating world has still plenty[...]
#Video – Are men, and women behaving differently on Tinder?

#Video – Are men, and women behaving differently on Tinder?

It is commonly said that men are from Mars, and women are from Venus. When it comes to dating it seems so. There are plenty of differences on the way men, and women behave on dating platforms as well, and Tinder is no exception. Recent statistics -you can see all[...]