If you think that finding love is a complicated task, perhaps you should investigate how it worked on the pre-Internet era. The digital world has made our lives easier. Quicker, wider, more efficient. And love, has been one of the main pursues that the digital world has demystified. Love prior[...]
For those of us that have been surfing on the Internet, trying to get a feeling of the dating online world and trying to identify the best and most reliable dating websites, the stories of successful matches that ended up in marriage are not a mystery anymore. With the increase[...]
The upcoming American elections next November are becoming the number one topic in every conversation, but should you really talk about politics on a date ? The best dating websites offer a wide variety of filters to find your most suitable match, whether it is on political or religious basis or[...]
For the 6th consecutive year, the online dating website Match.com has presented its annual “Singles in America“ study in which it stated that 33% of singles met their last first date through online dating whilst only 26% met their last first date through a friend. The power of the Internet[...]
Dating myth or reality? – Cooking dinner at home on the third date
Inviting your date over to your house for a romantic dinner for the first time is a big step. It is the perfect moment to impress your date with some of your delicious home-made recipes, but, at the same time, you will be also opening the doors to intimacy. Your[...]
Because burritos = love! That´s how burrit-OH, a dating app designed by Zoosk as an April Fools prank describes its mantra. Burrit-OH redefines dating A fresh and fun concept that innovates the traditional matching websites based on location, psychology or values to solely focus on burrito’s preferences and match burrito-lovers[...]
Married American couples who had met through online dating are less likely to be divorced and they are overall happier than married couples that met off-line. This interesting findings are the result of a study by John Cacioppo of the Univeristy of Chicago. The study (that took into account 19,131[...]
There is something exciting about having an affair at the office. Perhaps it is because of the thrills of getting caught by one of your other workmates -in spite you position yourself in a risky situation, if you get caught the consequences can be huge- or perhaps it is because[...]
Seduction is all around us: between two co-workers in the office, two actors on the big screen, emails exchanged on a flirty dating site, two strangers waiting for their bus… No need to go on…you’ve either been there or seen it in play. Some attempts have given birth to a[...]
Have never noticed how good you feel when you’re laughing your head off? We have. Everyone loves a good joke! Although we may never remember them… Which is a shame! Because they are a great way to break the ice during a date. Here’s the topic for our article of[...]